Sunday, November 26, 2017
Classroom Organization
                Ever get tired of spending precious time cleaning up after students have left for the school day? I’ve done it more times than I’d like to admit. One of the best things I ever did was create a Classroom Job System for my students. At first, I worried that this system was just one more thing to stay on top of, but it’s been amazing! I would be lost without my Classroom Job System!

            The purpose of this system is to transfer responsibility to students so that my job becomes easier with less interrupted instruction which results in a more efficiently run classroom. Students learn responsibility every day because they take better care of their belongings and keep the classroom neat and well-organized.
            Before assigning classroom jobs, take a look at my job card list. There are 45 jobs to choose from. If you don’t see a job card for something you need, just send me an email, I’ll be glad to create one. Also, if you buy my system, when it is updated, you will receive updates FREE of charge. In addition to the job cards, I provide a list of job descriptions.

            Do you have to have a job for every student? No, you do not. However, I try to have one for each so no one is left out. Since there are so many things we often need help with, you will probably want to assign one to each student. Some jobs may require multiple students to help. With my system, when you assign students, you can use number cards displayed next to students’ names because so many teachers use a number system. In addition to number tags, I provide blank name tags in two different colors for those that prefer to display students’ names next to each job.

            How often should you change student job assignments? That is entirely up to you. I do not recommend daily changing. Some teachers prefer weekly. I switch mine out every three weeks. I only explain the tasks associated with each job one time when I initially read the job descriptions to students. After that, if students are unsure of what they should do, they must ask the person that performed the job before them. I never explain jobs again as this takes up classroom time that should be devoted to instruction.

These are the 45 classroom job titles/roles:
1.       Line Leader
2.      Door Holder
3.      Greeter
4.       Errand Runner
5.       Lunch Helper
6.       Supply Manager
7.       Pencil Patrol
8.       Class Custodian
9.       Homework Helper
10.   Electrician
11.   Caboose
12.   Pledge Leader
13.   Mail Carrier
14.   Library Helper
15.   Hand Sanitizer
16.   Snack Helper
17.   Line Monitor
18.   Farewell Friend
19.   Teacher Assistant
20.   Recess Helper
21.   Girl’s Bathroom Monitor
22.   Boy’s Bathroom Monitor
23.   Zoologist
24.   Botanist
25.   Desk Detective
26.   Board Patrol
27.   Operator
28.   Calendar Captain
29.   Backpack Monitor
30.   Breakfast Helper
31.   Cubby Patrol
32.   Folder Fetcher
33.   Computer Captain
34.   Quiet Monitor
35.   Attendance Monitor
36.   Math Helper
37.   Game Organizer
38.   Drink Monitor
39.   Paper Passer
40.   Sink Monitor
41.   Substitute
42.   Recycling Monitor
43.   Chair Stacker
44.   Weather Reporter
45.   Nurse

        I place my classroom job titles and identification cards in a pocket chart. Pocket charts are ideal to use, and they make moving jobs around easier than fixed bulletin boards

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            Who doesn’t like getting a great deal? Follow me on Teacher Pay Teachers at this link: All you have to do is click on the green star. When I add a new product to my store, you will have an opportunity to purchase the product for a special discount up to 24 hours after it is posted. This notification is offered only to my followers.

Fabulous Freebies:
            Beginning December 2017, I will begin having monthly drawings to give away FREE TPT Gift Cards as well as other prizes!

Here is how TPT Gift Cards Giveaways work. I will email my TPT followers once a month letting you know the date the drawing(s) will be held. If you wish to participate, you can email your name and email address. Don’t worry; this is not an attempt to inundate you with solicitation messages through email. This is just so I will know where to send gift cards so they reach their recipients. Winners will be posted on my blog or Facebook page.  Thanks for following me on TPT, and I wish you the Best of Luck.